Verification and Calibration of Measuring Instruments

Аттестат аккредитации на право проведения калибровочных работ Аттестат аккредитации технического соответствия

The VNIIM performs verification and calibration of measuring instruments in a number of accreditation areas including the following fields of measurement:

  • geometric quantities
  • mechanics
  • fluid and gas consumption, parameters and speed of water and air flux, heat power and quantity of heat
  • pressure and vacuum
  • physical chemistry
  • temperature and thermophysics
  • electricity and magnetism
  • motion quantities
  • optics and optical physics
  • ionizing radiations parameters
  • medicine and biology

Разрешение от имени Международного Комитета мер и весов (МКМВ) на использование логотипа МRА МКМВ

VNIIM is officially authorized by the BIPM International Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM) to use the CIPM MRA logo on the Calibration and Measurement Certificates issued by VNIIM in accordance with VNIIM’s Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (СМС) published in Annedix C of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (МРА) and included in the BIPM Key Comparison Data Base.


More information is available by phone: +7-812-323-96-03, +7-812-323-96-10