The D.I. Mendeleev All-Russian Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) news

Firsthand News About Watt-Balance

Firsthand News About Watt-Balance

On January 25, the TV Channel Five broadcast the news about Russia going to make her own Kibble balance to provide a remedy for the exhausting “standard kilogram”. Having mentioned, as an example, the equipment located at the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the channel described the principles of such measuring instrumentation, and referred to the experience in designing balances in Russia. Despite a clarification from VNIIM, the channel has wrongly inferred that Russian watt balances are made in the Urals.

To correct the slipup of the TV commentator, the press service of VNIIM invites the interested audience to the laboratory where, without any exaggeration, an unprecedented research work on the design of the domestic watt-balance is underway. Dr. Alexander Jankovsky, Head of the research department of measurement standards in the field of motion quantities, torque force and gravimetry, presents the history of the issue and the current stage of the work:

published: 07.02.2022