Research Laboratory of Theoretical Metrology
Anna G. Chunovkina Laboratory Head |
Phone: +7 (812) 251-83-07 |
Lev A. Semenov Leading Researcher |
Phone: +7 (812) 251-83-07 |
Valery A. Slaev Leading Researcher |
Phone: +7 (812) 323-96-98 |
Anatoly E. Fridman Leading Researcher |
Phone: +7 (812) 251-83-07 |
Alexander V. Stepanov Research Assistant |
Phone: +7 (812) 251-83-07 |
The Department succeeds to a number former metrological subdivisions of the Institute, which were headed by the prominent scientists-metrologists Dr. M.F.Malikov and Dr. K.P.Shirokov who pioneered in the theory of traceability chains (charts ensuring the transfer of units of physical quantities from national standards to working measuring instruments) and worked on their normalization, as well as on the normalization of metrological terms and definitions. A significant contribution to the methods for data processing and evaluating the measurement accuracy was made by other renowned scientists of these subdivisions: S.V.Gorbatsevich, S.G.Rabinovich, Ye.F.Dolinsky, V.A.Balalayev.
At present the Department carries out investigations in the field of theoretical and applied metrology aimed at effective application of present-day approaches to evaluation of measurement accuracy, optimization of measurement procedures and at taking decisions based on measurement results, as well as at an improvement on the scientific background for measurement assurance in the gas-and-oil producing industry.
The main lines of investigations and scientific and engineering services to other companies associated with the improvement of measurement assurance systems:
- development of the theory of data processing and measurement error (uncertainty) evacuation in working out and normalizing the measurement procedures, calibration, verification and testing of measuring instruments;
- improvement of the theory of data processing for interlaboratory comparisons, including key comparisons of national standards;
- development of methods for testing, normalizing and validating the data processing software used in metrology;
- organization of scientific and engineering seminars on the key problems of theoretical metrology;
- theoretical justification for the application of measurement procedures ensuring the required accuracy for accounting of energy supplies under the input restraints on the basis of mathematical modeling of uncertainties in measurement of the quantity and the quality of the energy supplies;
- development of methods for economical optimization of measurement technologies applied in production, transportation and realization of oil and petroleum products and natural gas, regulation of the developed methods by drawing up normative deeds.
Most of the Department experts are members of Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology Technical Committees on Standardization and also take part in the activities of TK 206 “Measurement Standards and Hierarchical Chains” and ТК 445 “Metrology of the Energy-Effective Economy”.
Publications of the Department:
- L.A.Mironovsky and V.A.Slaev: Equalization of the variance of a nonstationary signal. Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. V. 29-30, No. 5, 1975
- V.A.Granovsky, L.A.Semenov, T.N.Siraya: Review of the main problems in theoretical metrology. In Collected works of the NPO "VNIIM im. D.I.Mendeleyeva", Leningrad, 1982 - No 11 (In Russian)
- L.A.Semenov, T.N.Siraya: Methods for plotting the calibration curves of measuring instruments. Moscow: Izdatelstvo standartov, 1986 (In Russian)
- M.N.Selivanov, A.E.Fridman, Zh.F.Kudryashova: Measurement quality: metrology reference book, Lenizdat, 1987 (In Russian.)
- Yu.V.Tarbeev and V.A.Slaev: Status report on the metrological support and certification of sensors. Measurement Techniques, V. 36. No 11, 1993. - pp. 1197-1206
- V.A.Abalakin, V.I.Bogdanov, Yu.D.Boulanger, A.D.Veselago, A.E.Sinelnikov, V.A.Slaev, G.A.Troshkov: The problem of protecting observatory facilities and installations of national importance from adverse technogenic effects. The I-st National Conference on Problems of physical Metrology, Session C "Metrological Provision of the scientific Research". St. Petersburg, 1994. - pp. 58-61
- V.A.Slaev: Metrological problems of information technology. Measurement Techniques, V. 37. No 11, 1994. - pp. 1209-1216
- Yu.V.Tarbeev, V.S.Alexandrov, N.I.Kolosnitsin, I.A.Novikov, and V.A.Slaev: Microgravimetric base survey at the gravimetric station of the All-Union scientific-research institute of metrology. Measurement Techniques, V. 38. No 10, 1995. - pp. 1067-1072
- L.A.Mironovsky and V.A.Slaev: Invariants in metrology and technical diagnostics. Measurement Techniques, V. 39. No 6, 1996. - pp. 577-593
- V.A.Slaev and Yu.A.Urbanovich: Primary measuring transducer for determining magnetic dipole moment. Measurement Techniques, V. 41. No 2, 1998. - pp. 172-179
- V.A.Slaev and Yu.A.Urbanovich: Method of determining the coordinates of magnetic dipole moment. Measurement Techniques, V. 41. No 5, 1998. - pp. 468-474
- V.A.Slaev, A.G.Chunovkina, and A.V.Chursin: Increasing the quality of measurements by planning the measurement procedure. Measurement Techniques, V. 42. No 10, 1999. - pp. 919-925
- Russian translation of the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in measurement, 1999 (ed. V.A. Slaev)
- V.A.Slaev, A.G.Chunovkina, and A.V.Chursin: Uncertainty in measurement: definition and calculation methods. Measurement Techniques, V. 43. No 5, 2000. - pp. 394-395
- V.A.Slaev: Approaches to application of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement in Russia. Measurement Techniques, V. 43. No 5, 2000. - pp. 405-409
- N.I.Khanov, A.E.Fridman: Estimation and distribution of instrumental economic losses in commercial accounting of power and energy resources. In Teploenergoeffectivnye tekhnologii, No 3, 2000 (In Russian.)
- N.I.Khanov, A.E.Fridman: On application of the accuracy theory to development of the theory of market policies (by the example of commercial accounting of energy resources). In Works of the 4-th session of the international scientific school “Modern fundamental problems and applications of the theory of accuracy and quality of machines, instruments and systems”, IPMash RAN, SPb, 2001 (In Russian)
- L.A.Mironovskii and V.A.Slaev: Optimal Chebishev preemphasis and filtering. Measurement Techniques, V. 45. No 2, 2002. - pp. 126-136
- L.A.Mironovskii and V.A.Slaev: Optimal test signals as a solution of the generalized Bulgakov problem. Automation and Remote Control, V. 63, No 4, 2002. - pp. 568-577
- N.I.Khanov, A.E.Fridman: Methods for elimination of the cost disbalance of a consignment of energy resources due to the uncertainty in measuring their parameters by the Supplier and the Customer. In Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 5, 2002 (In Russian)
- V.A.Slaev: Monograph "Measurement assurance of the magnetic-tape equipment", Science publication. - SPb, ANO NPO "Mir i Semya", 2004 (In Russian)
- V.A.Balalayev, V.A.Slaev, A.I.Sinyakov: Theory of systems for reproduction of units and transferring of their sizes, Science publication. - School textbook / Ed. V.A. Slaev - SPb: ANO NPO "Professional", 2004 (In Russian)
- L.A.Semenov, A.E.Fridman: On the advisability of revising the rounding-off rule applied for for measurement results. In Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, 2004, No. 11 (In Russian.)
- I.A.Kharitonov, A.G.Chunovkina: Estimation of the regional key comparison data. In Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, 2004, No. 4 (In Russian.)
- V.A.Balalayev, V.A.Slaev, A.I.Sinyakov: Potential accuracy of measurement. Science publication. - School-book / Ed. V.A. Slaev - SPb: ANO NPO "Professional", 2005 (In Russian)
- L.A.Mironovskii and V.A.Slaev: The strip method of transforming signals containing redundancy. Measurement Techniques, V. 49. No 7, 2006. - pp. 631-638
- L.A.Mironovskii and V.A.Slaev: The strip method of noise-immune image transformation. Measurement Techniques, V. 49. No 8, 2006. - pp. 745-754
- V.G.Panteleev, V.A.Slaev, A.G.Chunovkina: Metrological provision for image analyzers. Measurement Techniques, V. 51. No 1, 2008. - pp. 107-112.
Publications abroad:
- A.G.Chunovkina, A.V.Chursin Design of the measurement for evaluation of the calibration curve parameters. In Metrological Aspects of Data processing and Information Systems in Metrology, PTB-IT-7, Braunsweig und Berline, June, 1999.
- A.G.Chunovkina, A.V.Chursin Methodological problems of realizing of accuracy evaluating algorithm according to "Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement" / In Metrological Aspects of Data processing and Information Systems in Metrology, PTB-IT-7, Braunsweig und Berline, June, 1999.
- A.G.Chunovkina, A.V.Chursin GUM and MRA: some problems of data processing and measurement uncertainty evaluation. In Advanced mathematical tools in metrology, World Scientific (2000), vol. 57.
- A.E.Fridman Generalized normal distribution law of errors. Metrologia, 2002, 39.
- A.G.Chunovkina, M.G.Cox. A model-based approach to key comparison data evaluation. XVII IMEKO World Congress "Metrology in the 3rd Millennium", Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2227 June, 2003.
- A.Chunovkina Usage of non-central probability distributions for data analysis in metrology. In Advanced mathematical tools in metrology, World Scientific (2004), vol. 66.
International cooperation
Organization of the regular international seminars “Mathematics, statistics and computation to support measurement quality” ( see information about 2006 )
Participation in the following committees of international organizations:
- TC 1.1 COOMET “General Metrology”
- TC 21 IMEKO “Mathematical Tools for Measurement”.