Laboratory of Combustion Calorimetry and High-purity Organic Substances for Metrological Purposes
Laboratory of Combustion Calorimetry and High-purity Organic Substances for Metrological Purposes
- was created in 1965 under the direction of Dr. Yury I. Alexandrov;
- is responsible for care, maintenance and improvement of the State Primary Standard of joule (unit of energy) and the higher-accuracy working standard of mole fraction in high-purity organic substances;
- is the possessor of the unique technology for obtaining high-purity organic substances used for metrological purposes;
- has developed and introduced instruments for obtaining (by the methods of sublimation, zone melting and zone sublimation) and analyzing (by the cryometric method) high-purity organic substances with a purity up to 99.995 mole % used for metrological purposes;
- is particularly engaged in obtaining and analyzing high-purity benzoic acid K-1 with the content of the main component higher than 99.995 mole % approved as State reference material, a standard measure - constituent part of the State Primary Standard of combustion energy;
- makes analyses and certification (by the by the calorimetric and cryometric methods) of the benzoic acid K-3 used for calibration and verification of combustion bomb calorimeters.
Main activities
- are aimed at assuring the traceability of combustion energy measurements for fuels of all sorts, including solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, as well as measurements, by the cryometric method, of the degree of purity of organic substances used for metrological purposes;
- certification of home-made and exported combustion bomb calorimeters and gas calorimeters;
- primary and periodic verifications of instruments measuring the combustion energy;
- working out normative documents (standards) for calorimetric and cryometric measurement methods;
- expertise of the normative documents (standards) in this field;
- arbitration of issues relating to the quality of fuels;
- consulting consumers on the use of the methods of combustion energy measurements and on the use of normative documents;
- other activities ensuing from the status of the Laboratory as a part of the State Verification System of the Russian Federation.
International cooperation
- during the last five years the Laboratory has been participating in comparisons with the PTB (Germany) within the bilateral project on the development of a gas calorimeter that would realize a recently patented up-to-date method for measurement of the combustion energy of gaseous fuels with reproducibility better than 0.1 %;
- the Laboratory is ready to participate in the international comparisons in the field of combustion energy measurements using benzoic acid samples that we can provide for the participants, as well as using pure gas samples and their mixtures (including natural gas samples).
Main publications:
- Yu.I. Alexandrov. Uncertainty of Measurement. Twenty Years Afterwards. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2001, Bd. 370, H.6, S. 690-693
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.P. Varganov. Absolute measurement of the natural gas combustion value. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 2001, v. 74, pp.1485-1488. (In Russian)
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.P. Varganov, S. Zarge. Design and investigation of a gas calorimeter for absolute measurement of the natural gas combustion value. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 2001, v. 74, pp.1489-1493. (In Russian)
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.I. Belyakov, V.P. Varganov, S. Zarge. The procedure of measurement of the natural gas combustion value by an isothermal calorimeter. Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 2001, v. 74, pp.1494-1499. (In Russian)
- Yu.I. Alexandrov. The isothermal method for measurement of the combustion value of fuel and other organic compounds. Patent No. 2 085 924 on request No. 93- 055 887. Priority of patent on December 16, 1993. Registered in the State Register of Inventions on July 27, 1997.
- Yu.I. Alexandrov. The calorimetric method for measurement of the combustion value of gaseous fuel and other volatile organic compounds, and the device for its implementation. Patent No. 2 122 187 on request No. 94 - 014 720/10 Priority of patent on April 20, 1994. Registered in the State Register of Inventions
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.I. Belyakov. The calorimetric method for precise measurement of the combustion value of natural gas and other gaseous fuels. Patent RU 2169361; C1; 7 G 01 N 25/22 on request 99124710\28(026329) Priority of patent on November 22, 1999 June 20, 2001 Bulletin No. 17
- E.N. Korchagina. Investigation of the metrological characteristics of standard benzoic acids K-1 and K-3. Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, 2001, No. 11, pp. 44-47. (In Russian)
- Yu.I. Alexandrov. Estimation of the uncertainty of isothermal precision gas calorimeter. Thermochimica Acta, 2002, V. 382, N 1-2, P. 55-64
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, A.G. Chunovkina, E.N. Korchagina. Revised value of the heat of combustion for high purity methane. Proceedings Conference and Exhibition on Natural Gas Quality. NPL, 26th-28th November, Loughboroug, UK, 2002, p.7
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.P. Varganov. The calorimetric method for measurement of combustible gas flow. Patent RU 2256156; 7 G 01 F 1/68 on request 2003128930/28(030878) Priority of patent on September 23, 2003
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.I. Belyakov, V.P. Varganov. Development of the apparatus for measurement of pure methane melting curves aiming at determination of the total content of impurities in it by the cryometric method. The 15-th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, June 27 – July 2, 2005, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)
- Yu.I. Alexandrov, V.P. Varganov, S.V. Tarasov. The calorimetric method for measurement of the small flows of combustible gases with the known combustion value. The 15-th International Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, June 27 – July 2, 2005, Moscow, Russia. (In Russian)